In case you happen to have Hispanic food has made major strides into the mainstream over the past few years. On November 4, Gazette.com posted an article entitled “Hispanic Foods Rewriting Menu,” which shows just how far into the American mainstream Hispanic and Latin foods have come. While it may surprise some that salsa has overtaken ketchup as the favorite condiment, that is just the tip of the iceberg.
According to Gazette.com, tortillas and taco shells are now outselling hot dog and hamburger buns. Tortilla chips have trumped potato chips. Tacos and burritos have become so common that a majority of Americans do not even consider them to be an “ethnic” food anymore.
Empanadas, talames and ceviche recipes have all become commonplace in local supermarkets. While these delicious foods can be used in a number of traditional Hispanic foods, they can also be blended into a wide range of traditional American dishes as well. Empanadas can be especially fun to work with, since they can be filled with a wide variety of ingredients. Any combination of potatoes, vegetables, seafood, meat, cheese and beans can be used.
Hispanic dishes can be spicy or refreshing, depending on the ingredients. Some may prefer tamales, which can also be filled with meats, cheeses, veggies, fruits, chili peppers or any combination. Those who want something cool may find a delicious ceviche to be the answer. A ceviche is typically composed of raw fresh fish. The fish is marinated in lemon, lime or other citrus juices, and spiced up with different chili peppers.
No matter what may have brought these delicious kinds of Hispanic food into ones life, there is little doubt that they will find plenty of amazing ingredients and recipes to enjoy!!