What Kind of Cheques Do You Prefer?

Ordering cheques

Do you know how cheques first started? Between the years 1118 and 1307, the Knights Templar introduced a whole new cheque system that was used by pilgrims bound to the Holy Land. These travelers would deposit funds at one chapter house, then withdraw them from another, by showing a document written in a complex code, which the templars could understand.

Now, more than two million cheques are processed every single day in Canada.

These cheques make it possible for business to be run smoothly. They allow an easier way to pay employees and to keep track of payroll, which is the sum of all financial records regarding employee salaries, wages, bonuses and deductions.

Sadly, the majority of Canadian businesses (nine out of ten!) are not even aware that they have a choice when it comes to their cheque vendor. In fact, there is a whole business around paying your customers. If you are a business owner with multiple companies, then you can use a checking printing service as an efficient and affordable solution to paying your employees.

With an alternative cheque printing service, you can have cheap checks printed at a more affordable rate, or you can pay for a more secure kind, like laser cheques, or you can pay a little something extra to have the logo of your company printed right on it.

Whichever kind of Canadian cheques you might be interested, allow me to say that laser cheques are the best choice. These will help prevent fraud and identity theft, which is a necessity. Even just one slip up can cost a business owner thousands of dollars when compared to the modicum more that it costs to print laser cheques.

What kind of checks do you use as a business owner? Do you like to print laser cheques or do you prefer cheaper cheques? Why or why not do you like laser cheques? Please share your story, opinion and experience in the comments!

6 responses to “What Kind of Cheques Do You Prefer?”

  1. I agree. What kind of scummy employer would actually cheap out on his employees and his business and get cheaper cheques when he or she had the option to get safer ones?

  2. I agree. What kind of scummy employer would actually cheap out on his employees and his business and get cheaper cheques when he or she had the option to get safer ones?

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