The use of portable self storage has some advantages over using a garage that offers self storage units. When you have self storage pods available to help you meet your storage needs, you will have additional flexibility when it comes to keeping your items stored safely. If you are an owner of guns, for example, you have a lot of children in the house, you will not want to keep your artillery in the range of these children. Gun safes and locked rooms where you keep any nation are going to be helpful, but you may want to keep them even further away from your children. There are some self storage facilities that will allow you to store your weapons in a safe manner. There are also self storage facilities that will not allow you to keep your guns on their premises. If you need to find a place to store your weapons or any other dangerous items that is going to keep the children in your house safe, be sure to research local self storage facilities options that you have for storing your dangerous items.
Of course, the use of self storage facilities is more common than simply storing dangerous items. In fact, most people that rely on self storage facilities simply need additional space to keep their items secure. Leaving expensive art, furniture or prized possessions out in your garage or on the side of your house may not be a good idea. Rather than run the risk of letting somebody steal your stuff simply because you cannot keep it in your house any longer, it is a good idea to find a storage unit that you can keep your items in.
You can find portable storage units that are brought to your property, which you are then able to keep under lock and key. However, if you prefer to have off site storage for use by your business, you may want to find facilities that provide storage garages for you to make use of it anytime of the year. Be certain to inquire about accessibility to the storage facilities before you run one of their units. If you need to be able to get to your files, furniture or other items in storage at any time of day or night, be sure to find a guard with storage units that are accessible 24 hours a day.