If you are the owner of a business, your employees are everything to you. It is important to never forget this one simple rule. This is why it is crucial to treat them accordingly. You should allow them to be as healthy as possible with exceptional health benefit plans, as well as all the benefits of employee training.
It is especially important in Canada that you supply decent health care to your workers. As you know, Canadian health care is publicly funded, making some of it free. Most services, however, are still provided by private entities. That is the great Canadian myth…that we have excellent national health care coverage. It is a potentially lethal misnomer.
The benefits of employee training are endless. We will examine the most obvious benefit of employee training today, though. That is safety on the job. A well educated employee is a safe employee, and a safe employee is much less likely to require medical attention.
If he or she should require medical attention, however, it should not be difficult to achieve. In Canada, the basic health care system yields no deductibles, and copays are either extremely low, or in some cases, nonexistent.
Some other benefits of employee training include increased levels of productivity, and a higher quality end result. A good business is comprised of skillful, educated, knowledgeable, healthy employees. By making use of the benefits of employee training, you can ensure that your business is in harmony with this criteria at all times.
3 responses to “The Benefits of Employee Benefits”
Are there really companies out there that do not provide employee training? That just seems idiotic, does it not?
Surprisingly, yes…yes there are. It is a sad fact, but there are plenty of Canadian businesses who offer marginal to no training to new hires.
Surprisingly, yes…yes there are. It is a sad fact, but there are plenty of Canadian businesses who offer marginal to no training to new hires.