Blackberry mobile device management is very important because about seventy percent of smartphone users regularly check their work email outside of normal business hours. By using a BES policy or a Blackberry Enterprise Server, corporate employees will be able to receive emails from their job as well as personal emails. The Bes security policy allows people to have extra security on their Blackberry mobile device. By having a more secure Blackberry mobile device management of corporate emails can be done without worry.
Only sixty five percent of non Blackberry users access organization tools on a daily basis. This is compared to the ninety one percent of Blackberry users that do access organization tools daily. This is also probably because Blackberrys have become addicting to the people that use them. They have actually been dubbed as Crackberrys. Even President Obama uses a Crackberry.
Blackberry mobile device management is backed up by an already layered up security system that comes standard with every Blackberry. They already have been praised by experts as a device that has an exceptionally high level of security. Every business person wants to make sure that their Crackberry stays private and secure!