According to the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey, only 34 million people moved between 2007 and 2008, which is the lowest number since 1959 and 1960, while an even lower number, 6.7 million American households, moved in 2010. The U.S. Census Bureau also has statistics that show that more than 15 percent of the U.S. moves in a year, which shows that though these number have decreased, there are still plenty of Americans that need help relocating.
In an answer to these numbers, some moving companies give the option of using pods moving containers. These are units that you can pack yourself, on your own time, to your own liking. You don’t have to finagle your schedule around the movers’! After packing, drivers will pick up your pods moving containers, and take them to your house. No stress, no hassle. Just a nice easy trip on moving day.
When moving long distances, it’s a very good idea to keep a thorough inventory of your good and furniture that you’re moving, to make sure that nothing gets lost, stolen or damaged in the process. With pods moving containers, this facilitates that task by allowing you to do the packing yourself. Plus, since you pack it and use your own lock, you don’t have to worry about any unscrupulous movers stealing or damaging your goods.
It might be cheaper to hire a moving service if your schedule is flexible about the date, particularly if you can move mid month or mid week, which means that you can use pods moving containers to help you out with this flexibility. Since you pack it at your leisure, you can schedule a sick day or vacation day on this move to secure these lower rates.
Pods moving container services are a great alternative to traditional movers because they’re not only more flexible, but also very affordable. If you have any questions about moving pods storage containers, feel free to ask in the comments!
One response to “A Better Way to Move”
I had never considered using pods moving containers before! They seem like a great way to get everything to my new house.